Wednesday, January 6, 2010


My name is Sade Brown

I love Batman, Will Smith, and Coffee

I dont want to feel like im filling out my "About me " on facebook or myspace so I'm going to go a little deeper about myself.

I feel like I'm stuck in a rut, like me going to high school serves no purpose and I'm wasting my time. But not in the way most of you are thinking by this time. You see I already know what I want to do in my life, which to some is good, but for me it's almost worse. I want to get out of here and stop wasting my time learning things that don't pertain to anything I will be doing in life. Don't get me wrong, I love my high school class, it's amazing and we are all very close but the thing is....I'm impatient. (trying to work on that)

I love to write, and not going to lie I was inspired to start a blog after watching Julie & Julia, which may be lame I know but to be honest I dont care.

I would love to hear from other bloggers, even if you hate my blog....leave me a comment about it .


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