Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ernest Hemingway

In College Prep 2, we are reading a novel by the famous Ernest Hemingway, and this inspired me.

I love to write and I usually only write poetry or short narratives, because I don't think i'm capable of even attempting to write a novel. Now you're probably thinking "well yeah you're inspired by Hemingway's wrting,and now you want to try it for yourself!" but you're wrong. I'm not inspired by Hemingway's writing whatsoever. It was when Mrs. Heinlein proceeded to tell us about Hemingway's background that the inspiration hit me...

I dont have to be some college graduate who major's in english literature to write a novel. I can just try. It doesnt have to be completely perfect at first, no one has to read it at first. I can just try, I will never know what is in me if I'm not experimenting with my talents. How will my gifts aspire if I let them lie dormant inside myself?

so that is what I'm going to do, I'm going to do my best to write a novel, Im only going to take it one page at a time. I hope to find what's hiding in my imagination. I hope to not give up or forget about my little goal, and I hope to become a better writer in light of my "self" challenge.

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